Cultural Setting – Binjareb-Peel Geodrive Trail – Geoparks Australia

Cultural Setting – Binjareb-Peel Geodrive Trail

Aknowldegment of Traditional Owners

The Aboriginal people of Bindjareb country within the Noongar region of the Southwest of Western Australia have a culture and connection to this land that spans up to 50,000 thousand years or more. This represents the longest continuing culture on Earth. We respect the culture and knowledge of the Bindjareb people and aim to learn from their elder’s past, present, and emerging as we embark on this project together – walking side by side.

With thousands of generations of occupation in this region, the Bindjareb culture and people are tightly interconnected to this country, from the geology to the flora and fauna. They have experienced geological scale changes of the landscape, with the rise and fall of sea levels and the formation of landscape and rock. The Bindjareb people have witnessed major changes around them and have had the resiliency to adapt to these changes throughout generations.

This project is looking to add stories told by the local Indigenous people to bring culture to the forefront of this Geotrail and future Geopark and this is a collaborative process that is being undertaken.

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