Since 1829 with the establishment of the Swan River Colony and the time of European arrival to West Australia’s shores there has been a period of major change including rapid population growth and development. Early settlement was initially guided by geology and the ability to grow crops. The soils closer to alluvial river sources were..
Cultural Setting – Binjareb-Peel Geodrive Trail
Aknowldegment of Traditional Owners The Aboriginal people of Bindjareb country within the Noongar region of the Southwest of Western Australia have a culture and connection to this land that spans up to 50,000 thousand years or more. This represents the longest continuing culture on Earth. We respect the culture and knowledge of the Bindjareb people..
Biotic Setting – Binjareb-Peel Geodrive Trail
The South-West of Western Australia has faced such isolation that plants and animals have been able to evolve to their distinctive environments, leading to extremely high rates of endemic species. This region is a part of the Global Biodiversity Hot Spot of the South West botanical province. This region supports an estimated 5,700 taxa of..
Geology Setting – Binjareb-Peel Geodrive Trail
The Binjareb-Peel Geodirve Trail is situated on the West Coast of Australia on the Swan Coastal Plain, between the Indian Ocean and ancient pieces of the Earth’s crust, called the Yilgarn Craton to the East. The landscape of this region has been shaped by recent dynamic geological processes, but it has also been influenced by..